Our Partners
Federal Government
CABC maintains a productive and regular dialogue with Canada’s Federal Government, including Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the Minister of International Trade (MINT), and the Prime Minister’s office (PMO). CABC educates and collaborates with Canada’s government leaders about the importance of continued engagement with ASEAN.
Canadian Provincial Governments
CABC collaborates with Canada’s provincial governments and provincial economic development organizations, to deepen their trade engagement with ASEAN.

Canadian bi-lateral Chambers of Commerce in ASEAN
CABC works closely with the regional Canadian bilateral Chambers of Commerce on its events and other initiatives to deepen Canada-ASEAN trade. The Chambers are an excellent source of local information, as they have ‘boots on the ground’ in each country.
CABC and the regional bilateral Chambers also hold a regular dialogue for the purposes of collaboration and the sharing of best practices. Please click on the Chamber’s below to learn more about the unique services and offerings they can provide.
Canadian Municipal and Economic Development organizations:
The Canadian municipal economic development organizations are important partners in our Canadian events and initiatives. CABC also collaborates with these groups to support delegations to our events in ASEAN, such as the Canada-ASEAN Business Forum.
CABC works closely with its academic partners on initiatives to provide the Canadian private sector with the information and resources it needs to succeed in ASEAN.
University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Institute of Asian Research (IAR)

CABC works closely with its academic partners on initiatives to provide the Canadian private sector with the information and resources it needs to succeed in ASEAN.
CABC and the University of British Columbia’s Institute of Asian Research have partnered together on the 2016 Canada-ASEAN Business Outlook Survey, and on the ASEAN Advantage. Stay tuned for more exciting joint initiatives! Click here to learn more.
Singapore Management University (SMU)

CABC is a partner on SMU’s ongoing survey of “The Challenges of Legal Integration Across ASEAN”. We look forward to the results of this survey as a key resource in advocating for the conditions Canadians need to succeed in the ASEAN Economic Community. Click here to learn more.