Thu, Sep 05
CABC Trade Roundtable: Updates on Canada-ASEAN FTA and Canada-Indonesia CEPA
Time & Location
Sep 05, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. GMT+8
Event Details
The Canada-ASEAN Trade Roundtable is a virtual session designed to provide Canadian businesses active in Southeast Asia with a comprehensive update on the Canada-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations. Featuring Ms. Mary-Catherine Speirs and Mr. Aaron Fowler, Canada's Chief Negotiator for the Canada-ASEAN FTA, this event aims to offer a platform for Canadian businesses to voice their priorities, concerns, and recommendations in the ongoing FTA process.
- Provide participants with a deeper understanding of the current state of Canada-ASEAN FTA negotiations.
- Facilitate private sector input: Canadian businesses have the opportunity to voice their priorities, concerns, and recommendations directly to the Government of Canada
- Advocacy & government engagement: Facilitates direct engagement between the private sector and government officials and generates concrete and commercially meaningful recommendations for consideration in the ongoing FTA process.
- Share the Canada-ASEAN Business Outlook Survey Findings: Present key insights and sentiments of Canadian businesses towards the region to enhance participants' understanding of the business landscape and economic opportunities within the Canada-ASEAN region.
9:00 - 9:10 AM: Welcome address by Mr. Wayne Farmer, President of the CABC
9:10 - 9:40 AM: Update on the current status of the Canada-ASEAN FTA negotiations: highlights key developments, challenges, and opportunities in the negotiation process.
- Mary-Catherine Speirs, Canada's Chief Trade Negotiator for Canada-ASEAN FTA and Director General for Trade Negotiations
- Aaron Fowler, Canada's Chief Trade Negotiator for Canada-ASEAN FTA and Director General for Trade Negotiations
9:40 - 9:50 AM: Presentation on 2024 Canada-ASEAN Business Outlook Survey Findings
9:50 - 10:20 AM: Q&A and open discussion
10:20 - 10:30 AM: Closing remarks